Source code for seekpath.getpaths

This module contains the main functions to get a path and an explicit path.
from builtins import range

[docs]def get_explicit_from_implicit(seekpath_output, reference_distance): """ Given the output of ``get_path`` by seekpath, compute an "explicit" path, i.e. instead of just giving the endpoints and their coordinates, compute a full list of kpoints :param seekpath_output: a dictionary, the output of ``seekpath.get_path`` :param reference_distance: a reference target distance between neighboring k-points in the path, in units of 1/ang. The actual value will be as close as possible to this value, to have an integer number of points in each path. """ import numpy as np retdict = {} kpoints_rel = [] kpoints_labels = [] kpoints_linearcoord = [] previous_linearcoord = 0. segments = [] for start_label, stop_label in seekpath_output['path']: start_coord = np.array(seekpath_output['point_coords'][start_label]) stop_coord = np.array(seekpath_output['point_coords'][stop_label]) start_coord_abs = start_coord, seekpath_output['reciprocal_primitive_lattice']) stop_coord_abs =, seekpath_output['reciprocal_primitive_lattice']) segment_length = np.linalg.norm(stop_coord_abs - start_coord_abs) num_points = max(2, int(segment_length / reference_distance)) segment_linearcoord = np.linspace(0., segment_length, num_points) segment_start = len(kpoints_labels) for i in range(num_points): # Skip the first point if it's the same as the last one of # the previous segment if i == 0: if kpoints_labels: if kpoints_labels[-1] == start_label: segment_start -= 1 continue kpoints_rel.append(start_coord + (stop_coord - start_coord) * float(i) / float(num_points - 1)) if i == 0: kpoints_labels.append(start_label) elif i == num_points - 1: kpoints_labels.append(stop_label) else: kpoints_labels.append('') kpoints_linearcoord.append(previous_linearcoord + segment_linearcoord[i]) previous_linearcoord += segment_length segment_end = len(kpoints_labels) segments.append((segment_start, segment_end)) retdict['kpoints_rel'] = np.array(kpoints_rel) retdict['kpoints_linearcoord'] = np.array(kpoints_linearcoord) retdict['kpoints_labels'] = kpoints_labels retdict['kpoints_abs'] = retdict['kpoints_rel'], seekpath_output['reciprocal_primitive_lattice']) retdict['segments'] = segments return retdict
[docs]def get_path(structure, with_time_reversal=True, recipe='hpkot', threshold=1.e-7, symprec=1e-05, angle_tolerance=-1.0): r""" Return the kpoint path information for band structure given a crystal structure, using the paths from the chosen recipe/reference. If you use this module, please cite the paper of the corresponding recipe (see parameter below). :param structure: The crystal structure for which we want to obtain the suggested path. It should be a tuple in the format accepted by spglib: ``(cell, positions, numbers)``, where (if N is the number of atoms): - ``cell`` is a :math:`3 \times 3` list of floats (``cell[0]`` is the first lattice vector, ...) - ``positions`` is a :math:`N \times 3` list of floats with the atomic coordinates in scaled coordinates (i.e., w.r.t. the cell vectors) - ``numbers`` is a length-:math:`N` list with integers identifying uniquely the atoms in the cell (e.g., the Z number of the atom, but any other positive non-zero integer will work - e.g. if you want to distinguish two Carbon atoms, you can set one number to 6 and the other to 1006) :param with_time_reversal: if False, and the group has no inversion symmetry, additional lines are returned as described in the HPKOT paper. :param recipe: choose the reference publication that defines the special points and paths. Currently, the following value is implemented: - ``hpkot``: HPKOT paper: Y. Hinuma, G. Pizzi, Y. Kumagai, F. Oba, I. Tanaka, Band structure diagram paths based on crystallography, Comp. Mat. Sci. 128, 140 (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.10.015 :param threshold: the threshold to use to verify if we are in and edge case (e.g., a tetragonal cell, but ``a==c``). For instance, in the tI lattice, if ``abs(a-c) < threshold``, a :py:exc:`~seekpath.hpkot.EdgeCaseWarning` is issued. Note that depending on the bravais lattice, the meaning of the threshold is different (angle, length, ...) :param symprec: the symmetry precision used internally by SPGLIB :param angle_tolerance: the angle_tolerance used internally by SPGLIB :return: a dictionary with the following keys: - ``point_coords``: a dictionary with label -> float coordinates - ``path``: a list of length-2 tuples, with the labels of the starting and ending point of each label section - ``has_inversion_symmetry``: True or False, depending on whether the input crystal structure has inversion symmetry or not. - ``augmented_path``: if True, it means that the path was augmented with the :math:`-k` points (this happens if both has_inversion_symmetry is False, and the user set with_time_reversal=False in the input) - ``bravais_lattice``: the Bravais lattice string (like ``cP``, ``tI``, ...) - ``bravais_lattice_extended``: the specific case used to define labels and coordinates (like ``cP1``, ``tI2``, ...) - ``cont_lattice``: three real-space vectors for the crystallographic conventional cell (``conv_lattice[0,:]`` is the first vector) - ``conv_positions``: fractional coordinates of atoms in the crystallographic conventional cell - ``conv_types``: list of integer types of the atoms in the crystallographic conventional cell (typically, the atomic numbers) - ``primitive_lattice``: three real-space vectors for the crystallographic primitive cell (``primitive_lattice[0,:]`` is the first vector) - ``primitive_positions``: fractional coordinates of atoms in the crystallographic primitive cell - ``primitive_types``: list of integer types of the atoms in the crystallographic primitive cell (typically, the atomic numbers) - ``reciprocal_primitive_lattice``: reciprocal-cell vectors for the primitive cell (vectors are rows: ``reciprocal_primitive_lattice[0,:]`` is the first vector) - ``primitive_transformation_matrix``: the transformation matrix :math:`P` between the conventional and the primitive cell - ``inverse_primitive_transformation_matrix``: the inverse of the matrix :math:`P` (the determinant is integer and gives the ratio in volume between the conventional and primitive cells) - ``volume_original_wrt_conv``: volume ratio of the user-provided cell with respect to the the crystallographic conventional cell - ``volume_original_wrt_prim``: volume ratio of the user-provided cell with respect to the the crystalloraphic primitive cell :note: An :py:exc:`~seekpath.hpkot.EdgeCaseWarning` is issued for edge cases (e.g. if ``a==b==c`` for orthorhombic systems). In this case, still one of the valid cases is picked. """ if recipe == 'hpkot': from . import hpkot res = hpkot.get_path(structure=structure, with_time_reversal=with_time_reversal, threshold=threshold, symprec=symprec, angle_tolerance=angle_tolerance) else: raise ValueError("value for 'recipe' not recognized. The only value " "currently accepted is 'hpkot'.") return res
[docs]def get_explicit_k_path(structure, with_time_reversal=True, reference_distance=0.025, recipe='hpkot', threshold=1.e-7, symprec=1e-05, angle_tolerance=-1.0): r""" Return the kpoint path for band structure (in scaled and absolute coordinates), given a crystal structure, using the paths proposed in the various publications (see description of the 'recipe' input parameter). Note that the k-path typically refers to a different unit cell (e.g., the primitive one with some transformation matrix to comply with the conventions in the case of the HPKOT paper). So, one should use the crystal cell provided in output for all calculations, rather than the input 'structure'. If you use this module, please cite the paper of the corresponding recipe (see parameter below). :param structure: The crystal structure for which we want to obtain the suggested path. It should be a tuple in the format accepted by spglib: (cell, positions, numbers), where (if N is the number of atoms): - ``cell`` is a :math:`3 \times 3` list of floats (``cell[0]`` is the first lattice vector, ...) - ``positions`` is a :math:`N \times 3` list of floats with the atomic coordinates in scaled coordinates (i.e., w.r.t. the cell vectors) - ``numbers`` is a length-:math:`N` list with integers identifying uniquely the atoms in the cell (e.g., the Z number of the atom, but any other positive non-zero integer will work - e.g. if you want to distinguish two Carbon atoms, you can set one number to 6 and the other to 1006) :param with_time_reversal: if False, and the group has no inversion symmetry, additional lines are returned. :param reference_distance: a reference target distance between neighboring k-points in the path, in units of 1/ang. The actual value will be as close as possible to this value, to have an integer number of points in each path. :param recipe: choose the reference publication that defines the special points and paths. Currently, the following value is implemented: - ``hpkot``: HPKOT paper: Y. Hinuma, G. Pizzi, Y. Kumagai, F. Oba, I. Tanaka, Band structure diagram paths based on crystallography, Comp. Mat. Sci. 128, 140 (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.10.015 :param threshold: the threshold to use to verify if we are in and edge case (e.g., a tetragonal cell, but ``a==c``). For instance, in the tI lattice, if ``abs(a-c) < threshold``, a :py:exc:`~seekpath.hpkot.EdgeCaseWarning` is issued. Note that depending on the bravais lattice, the meaning of the threshold is different (angle, length, ...) :param symprec: the symmetry precision used internally by SPGLIB :param angle_tolerance: the angle_tolerance used internally by SPGLIB .. versionchanged:: 1.8 The key ``segments`` has been renamed ``explicit_segments`` for consistency. :return: a dictionary with a number of keys. They are the same as ``get_path``, plus a few ones: - ``explicit_kpoints_abs``: List of the kpoints along the specific path in absolute (Cartesian) coordinates. The two endpoints are always included, independently of the length. - ``explicit_kpoints_rel``: List of the kpoints along the specific path in relative (fractional) coordinates (same length as explicit_kpoints_abs). - ``explicit_kpoints_labels``: list of strings with kpoints labels. It has the same length as explicit_kpoints_abs and explicit_kpoints_rel. Empty if the point is not a special point. - ``explicit_kpoints_linearcoord``: array of floats, giving the coordinate at which to plot the corresponding point. - ``explicit_segments``: a list of length-2 tuples, with the start and end index of each segment. **Note**! The indices are supposed to be used as follows: the labels for the i-th segment are given by:: segment_indices = explicit_segments[i] segment_labels = explicit_kpoints_labels[slice(*segment_indices)] This means, in particular, that if you want the label of the start and end points, you should do:: start_label = explicit_kpoints_labels[segment_indices[0]] stop_label = explicit_kpoints_labels[segment_indices[1]-1] (note the minus one!) Also, note that if ``explicit_segments[i-1][1] == explicit_segments[i][0] + 1`` it means that the point was calculated only once, and it belongs to both paths. Instead, if ``explicit_segments[i-1][1] == explicit_segments[i][0]``, then this is a 'break' point in the path (e.g., ``explicit_segments[i-1][1]`` is the X point, and ``explicit_segments[i][0]`` is the R point, and typically in a graphical representation they are shown at the same coordinate, with a label ``R|X``). """ if recipe == 'hpkot': from . import hpkot res = hpkot.get_path(structure=structure, with_time_reversal=with_time_reversal, threshold=threshold, symprec=symprec, angle_tolerance=angle_tolerance) else: raise ValueError("value for 'recipe' not recognized. The only value " "currently accepted is 'hpkot'.") explicit_res = get_explicit_from_implicit( res, reference_distance=reference_distance) for k, v in explicit_res.items(): res['explicit_{}'.format(k)] = v return res